- 내비게이션
yarn add react-navigation
- 모르겠음 아이콘쓰려고?..
yarn add native-base @expo/vector-icons
- 오류나서
Web Bundling failed 17029ms (C:\Users\Alice\testexpo\node_modules\expo\AppEntry.js)
Unable to resolve "react-native-safe-area-context" from "node_modules\native-base\lib\module\core\NativeBaseProvider.js"
expo install react-native-safe-area-context
- 오류나서
Unable to resolve "normalize-css-color" from "node_modules\native-base\lib\module\utils\react-native-web-fucntions\normalizeColor.js"
npm install normalize-css-color
- 앱 구동했는데 오류나서
ERROR Error: The `react-navigation` package is no longer supported. See https://reactnavigation.org/docs/getting-started for up-to-date documentation on how to install and use the latest version of React Navigation., js engine: hermes
ERROR Invariant Violation: "main" has not been registered. This can happen if:
* Metro (the local dev server) is run from the wrong folder. Check if Metro is running, stop it and restart it in the current project.
* A module failed to load due to an error and `AppRegistry.registerComponent` wasn't called., js engine: hermes
› Stopped server
npm install @react-navigation/native-stack
- 아이콘이 안떠서
npm install react-icons --save
- 네비게이션 지원이 안되서.. 없어져서
yarn add @react-navigation/material-top-tabs react-native-tab-view react-native-pager-view
- 위에서 뭔가 설치하고 이상이 생겼나봄<이걸로 해결>
unable to resolve modul @react-navigatiion\native from c:
npm install --save react-native-gesture-handler react-native-reanimated react-native-screens
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